Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 10:00 AM until 3:00 PMUTC -04:00
Sarah Lawrence College1 Mead WayBronxville, NY 10708United States
Cut through the myths: get the tools to help you find and sculpt the poem you want to make. Write, Read, and Revise. Bring your imagination and your poems: new, old or in between. First, we will talk about all the poetry tools at your disposal. Then we will workshop your poems. Then we will take a break! Then you will have time to revise those poems, or at least begin that process. Finally, we will hear them aloud, in whatever stage of revision they're in. The writer will read aloud his/her own poem, and another class member will read the same poem, so that the writer can hear it in another voice. Open to all levels of writers.
Estha Weiner's newest poetry book, at the last minute, is forthcoming in Spring, 2018. She is also author of In the Weather of the World (Salmon Poetry); Transfiguration Begins at Home (Tiger Bark Press); The Mistress Manuscript (Asheville Book Works); and co-editor/contributor to Blues for Bill: A Tribute to William Matthews (University of Akron Press). Her poems have appeared in numerous anthologies and magazines, including The New Republic and Barrow Street. Winner of a Paterson Prize, she is founding director of Sarah Lawrence College NY Alumni/ae Writers Nights and Advisory Board member of Slapering Hol Press, Hudson Valley Writers Center.
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